Wednesday, May 28, 2008

5/28/08 Packages at my door when I arrived home...

My husband and I took a holiday trip to Indianapolis for the long weekend. When we got home, several packages were awaiting our return...While there, we discovered the Sakura Mart - cute little Japanese food market - no bento items, but a great selection of food items!!

There was a clickety click bear bento from swap partner chacoqueen from Flickr, fun finds from the Ichiban site - blue sakura bento set (bags, chopsticks, chopstick case), black rabbit moon bentos (plus chopsticks and chopstick case), misc bags & trays & such, and a family size bento for picnics and traveling!! Finally, the last package was a j-list order - fun face bentos and the racing bento for my race fan of a husband - matching accessories for both! Finally, baran and divider cups.

Now that I am back home with all these great new supplies, I have to start creating fun bentos again!!

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